Tuesday, August 26, 2008

good news, bad news

the good news--i have arrived in lima, and the actual travelling part was not bad at all!

the bad news--we hit torrential rains in panama and EVERYTHING i own is soaked and will certainly not dry for, oh i don´t know, at least a month. ah well, i guess the rain (plus jane´s missing suitcase) are just sweet reminders of what it means to be living simply...and travelling in south america

although we were all exhausted from travelling, today was marvelous. here are some highlights:
  • sleeping in for the first time in 3 weeks
  • the wonder that is lima
  • learning about peru´s recent, brutal history, which we unfortunately never hear about in the states. did you know that over 69,000 people died due to terrorist and military action between 1980-2000? me neither. it´s ridiculous what we fail to hear in world news...
  • speaking spanish (or at least listening attentively and then nodding my head, as if i understood everything)
  • the best seafood in the world

anyway, all is well in the southern hemisphere...basically a lot of excitment (punctuated by moments of two years? seriously? can i go two years without hot showers and real coffee?)

i think i can i think i can i think i can...


Sara said...

AHHH YOU'RE FINALLY THERE! i'm glad to hear that your travels were safe - bummer about the rain soaking your belongings.

i'm currently "studying" (on the 3rd day of school? sick.) and was trying to find a CD to put in our stereo and came across the CD compilation you made for my birthday - i forgot how amazing it is. currently jamming to go go gadget flow...:)

i love you. times infinity.

Heidi said...

You're there!!! I'm so glad to hear you made it safely. I've been checking your blog compulsively for updates.

Ah...sorry to hear about all the rain, though. That must've been rough.

I'm sure the next two years are going to be more stretching than you can imagine (no coffee?! I'm not sure I'd be able to do that one...), but I KNOW you can do it. Just keep reminding yourself of that.

So excited to hear of your many adventures :)
And think of how exciting it'll be to be FLUENT in Spanish. Now THAT I truly can't imagine...that'd be harder than not having real coffee.

Alright, know I think of you tons, love you, miss you, and am praying for you always :)

much love.